Laikipia County Natural Resource Network (LAICONAR) was formed in February 2012 and is among four priority county natural resource networks. The other three are Samburu, Kwale and Nakuru. The formation of LAICONAR just like the other three was informed through a series of consultations on natural resource issues affecting Laikipia County. It was on close scrutiny of these issues that it was identified that there was a gap as far as environment and natural resource governance and advocacy in Laikipia County is concerned. This composition of this network include Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), both national and local, Community Based Organizations (CBOs) in natural resource management, the private sector, national and county government organizations, and the academia.

Current Project-Working closely with the newly devolved Laikipia County Government to maximise the impacts of our resources. We are teamed with private land owners and communities to develop solutions to persistent challenges facing water, forests, energy, pasture and wildlife management.