What We Do

Our work aims to contribute to improving the ways natural resources can be better managed as well as improving the agency of communities to sustainably utilise the natural resources around them.

Guided by the mission to consolidate and coordinate community efforts in advocating for policy implementation in promoting equitable access, control, and sustainable use of natural resources in the region, KeNRA has actively been involved in the formulation of policies and laws around natural resources at sub-national, national, regional and international levels.

 The main challenges facing the planet include CLIMATE CHANGE, LAND DEGRADATION, and ENVIRONMENTAL INJUSTICES. To address the challenges above we maintain focus on better management of forests, wildlife, water, and extractive (minerals, oil & gas) resources. 

Our Challenges

Environment Justice

Promoting meaningful community involvement in the environmental management discourse

Climate Change

Taking action on climate change while supporting communities in the region to adapt to the unavoidable impacts of the climatic changes.

Land Degradation

Catalysing innovative action towards controlling the deterioration or loss of the productive capacity of the soils for present and future.

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Contact Us

330 Diani Road,
Off Ole Dume Road,
P.O.Box 83762-80100, Nairobi
Tel: +254719194239
Email: info@kenra.or.ke